Calendar of Events

Here is a schedule of upcoming events in the next 2 months.
We encourage you to mark your calendars accordingly.



10 - Global Updates Episode 4 - Staff Challenges and solutions

Tuesday - 12pm London / 4pm Dubai / 8pm Singapore / 11pm Sydney

18 - The Aid Station Episode 122 - Ashish Bhushan


24 - Global Updates Episode 5 - Revenue challenges and opportunities

Tuesday - 12pm London / 4pm Dubai / 8pm Singapore / 11pm Sydney

26 - MPW Web Series: Moving the start line

 Thursday - 11am UK / 3pm Dubai / 7pm Singapore / 10pm Sydney




1 - The Aid Station Episode 123


14 - Global Updates Episode 6

Tuesday - 12pm London / 4pm Dubai / 8pm Singapore / 11pm Sydney